Projects & Services


A public LGSL instance where everyone can add gameservers. Servers are manually reviewed in order to reject those who breaks the Usage Rules.

Offline servers that doesn't respond after 7 days will be deleted from the list.


A Discord bot which uses QuakeStat for make gameserver queries.

Xash3D FWGS Master Server List

A simple website where you can check all running gameservers under Xash3D FWGS main masterserver (

Also powered by QuakeStat. Will take a while to load.

Rest In Peace

Forgotten Half-Life Mods Wiki

A secret wiki where I wanted to document some forgotten, dead, underrated and abandoned Half-Life (and also Half-Life 2) mods. Just as it happened to LGSL before the "new return", the server where it was hosting this has died and most probably this will never come back.